On the Calendar:
*28 January 2009: Shine the Shoe. Immediately after our bball guys take on Georgetown, at approximately 9:30p, EWB will "shine the shoe," which pretty much means clean up things. This is a great and easy way to make a good sum of money, and adequate participation from EWB members is a must.
*Lights out Friday: each Friday at 4:30pm, beginning by the ice cream machine in Zimmer Auditorium.
*next meeting: 22 January 2009
Now onto the actual meeting. The first meeting of the winter quarter featured two keynote speakers. The first was Peter Kube from the EWB Cincinnati professional chapter. When he attended the EWB fall conference, he noticed a unique relationship between student EWB chapters and professional chapters, as the two seemed to both grow and thrive of each other. He wants to see a better relationship between our chapter here at UC and the Cincy professional chapter, and he also says that the professional chapter is making it a priority to help us out by sharing ideas of what works, what doesn't, and ideas about resources, fundraising, and connections. Following Peter Kube was Joe Harrell, Executive Director of Utilities at UC.
Joe Harrell discussed the Lights out Friday effort EWB is starting to undergo. He handed out a form to help EWB tally where we are turning off the lights, how many lights are per switch, and other pertinent information. As previously discussed, EWB wants the money saved from turning off these lights to go towards the installation of light sensors around the campus so that lights will only be on when the room is being occupied.
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