Today, the Burere travel team made some serious progress toward being ready for our June trip. We had good meeting with some folks who have been to the region and a visit to the doctor to prepare for the health risks of travel all in one day. Village Life Outreach Project also booked tickets for our flights today! We're all excited for our June 6th departure for Nairobi. Our arrival there will be followed by a drive to Shirati (see picture at right). Burere, where the school will be constructed, is just south of Shirati on the Mori Bay of Lake Victoria.
Our partners in Tanzania, the Shirati Health, Education, and Development Foundation (SHED), are also getting ready for the trip. We are currently looking for ways to get them a copy of our Burere drawing set so that the Rorya District government can get them approved and the permits issued. It takes several weeks to get mail to Shirati from Cincinnati, so printing them in Tanzania is the best option. We will, however, send a few sets in the mail as backup.
Keep checking the blog for updates on the trip and other things going on in EWB. If you want to help us build the school, there is still time to RSVP for the spring banquet (until Monday, 4/23). We look forward to celebrating this exciting time in our chapter with all of our friends May 2nd at the Cincinnati Zoo.