EWB-UC Friends and Supporters,
Let me take a moment to thank you for your generous support of the University of Cincinnati Chapter of Engineers Without Borders. Your contribution to our most recent fundraising event, Bricks for Burere, has allowed us to take one step closer toward our funding needs for the Burere project. The people of Burere have been patiently waiting for our return to their community to begin construction. Through fundraising events like these, you allow our group to ensure our projects come to successful implementation as soon as possible. In its first year, Bricks for Burere raised $1,000 dollars towards the Burere School Project. This money alone will cover half of the expenses for masonry materials.
In December, our group will submit our Pre-Implementation form. This form details the entirety of the school projects, including: all design calculations, engineering and architectural drawings, project budget, material costs, and all the work that will be completed during the first phase of construction. Pending the success of this project submittal after our design is reviewed by a panel of professional engineers, we will traveling to break ground this coming March. The first trip goals will be to completely lay out the school site, dig out the foundation mold, and pour the concrete foundation.
Without your help and support, this project could never be realized. Thank you again for your contribution and all of us at EWB-UC thank you for your generosity!
Mark Schutte
Vice President – External Affair, EWB-UC
Special thanks to Corporate Sponsors:
Consumer Solutions, Inc.
EMA Construction
Star Building Materials