After reading all the applications, we've selected our two travelers for the June assessment. Linea Olsson & Jim Moyer will represent EWB on our assessment in Burere. This assessment is focused on preparing all the final details necessary before school construction can start. We'll be bringing an updated memorandum of understanding to sign with the village council, and showing layout drawings of our proposed school. Linea & Jim will also be planning out water management necessary for concrete mixing on site, and securing building materials.
This trip will be part of a Village Life Outreach Project brigade. Along with representatives from EWB, UC med students will be traveling to conduct health clinics in VLOP's three communities. Students from the UC Honors Program will also be traveling on the brigade, as a culmination of a
humanitarian design class taught by DAAP architect Michael Zaretsky. This multidisciplinary team will surely create an exciting and unique trip experience for all the travelers.
Jim is a 3rd year in Civil/Environmental Engineering originally from Toledo. He's currently EWB's internal vice president and has been since Spring of 2009. Jim has also worked closely on the Burere design since he first joined EWB during his freshman year. Jim's the person who schedules all of our great general meeting speakers, plus he oversees our project committees.
Linea is a freshman in Chemical Engineering who is actually an international student from Sweden. Linea has already gotten involved in both the Nyambogo committee and External Affairs. Through External Affairs, she's managed to forge connections with the co-op office (we're now presenting about EWB in Intro to Co-op classes) and Student Government(SG is currently investigating a bill that would make service-based travel eligible for UC International Grants based on their educational merit).
We're excited to have two great EWBers representing us on our assessment. As it gets closer to June, look for more updates on our trip.