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Friday, December 2, 2011
Awesome Conference at UI-UC
This weekend marks the one month anniversary of our voyage to the EWB conference hosted by Urbana-Champaign. Three of us made it out to Illinois this year (in thrifty college student fashion). The structure contained large lectures and smaller workshops, so we decided to divide and conquer as much as possible.
We all heard from distinguished EWB leaders like Frank Bergh and Peter Waugh as they illustrated where the organization is heading. Frank placed a large importance on every member of every chapter being conscious about their word choice concerning projects. We are not givers-- we are partners. The communities we work with are our partners, and we need to keep that in mind. Peter, on the other hand, outlined criteria for successful project implementation (similar to a rubric).
When it was time to breakout into smaller workshops we each chose a different topic pertinent to us. This way we managed to hit 3 of the 4-5 sessions and brought a little UC with us. Examples of these workshops included bio-sand filters, grant writing, project sustainability, and using personal style to achieve success.
Along our trip we also met up with a former EWB-UC member performing graduate work at the university there. He introduced us to his colleague and they showed us the impressive science labs and engineering facilities on campus, as well as some really interesting work they were performing.
All-in-all, the weekend was a great success as we each gained new skills and valuable contacts. As a new member to EWB, I loved this opportunity to get a small jump-start in understanding what this great organization is all about.
Pictures to come soon!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thank You Bricks for Burere Supporters

EWB-UC Friends and Supporters,
Let me take a moment to thank you for your generous support of the University of Cincinnati Chapter of Engineers Without Borders. Your contribution to our most recent fundraising event, Bricks for Burere, has allowed us to take one step closer toward our funding needs for the Burere project. The people of Burere have been patiently waiting for our return to their community to begin construction. Through fundraising events like these, you allow our group to ensure our projects come to successful implementation as soon as possible. In its first year, Bricks for Burere raised $1,000 dollars towards the Burere School Project. This money alone will cover half of the expenses for masonry materials.
In December, our group will submit our Pre-Implementation form. This form details the entirety of the school projects, including: all design calculations, engineering and architectural drawings, project budget, material costs, and all the work that will be completed during the first phase of construction. Pending the success of this project submittal after our design is reviewed by a panel of professional engineers, we will traveling to break ground this coming March. The first trip goals will be to completely lay out the school site, dig out the foundation mold, and pour the concrete foundation.
Without your help and support, this project could never be realized. Thank you again for your contribution and all of us at EWB-UC thank you for your generosity!
Mark Schutte
Vice President – External Affair, EWB-UC
Special thanks to Corporate Sponsors:
Consumer Solutions, Inc.
EMA Construction
Star Building Materials
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Snazzy New EWB T-Shirts

Among the new things in EWB this year, we are also building a stronger relationship with the Orientation Board. The O-Board works with incoming freshmen to get them connected to student groups at UC. A better relationship with this group could allow us to reach out to incoming freshman as soon as possible and get them excited and involved in our cause. Be sure to stay posted on all the new EWB events to come.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
EWB Kicks Off 2011-12 School Year
Thursday, September 8, 2011
EWB kicks off Bricks for Burere

As EWB-UC ramps up its efforts to begin implementation of its second major project, the organization hopes to close the gap in its monetary needs through a truly exciting event in Bricks for Burere.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
June EWBer of the Month: Linea Olsson
Linea just finished her first year in Chemical Engineering, and an actually international student from Sweden. She has definitely earned this award many times over, being one of our most active freshman in the group. She's shown incredible dedication and initiative, forming partnerships with the professional practice office and becoming one of our youngest exec board members.
Probably the best example of this initiative was Linea traveling on our recent Burere assessment trip to Tanzania. She helped perform crucial soil and material tests needed to move our school design forward. She also help gain final measurement data from the school site. Finally she interacted with members of the community and helped strengthen our partnership with Burere.We look forward to much more from Linea in the coming years.
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Linea & Jim taking measurements inside the Burere school |
Saturday, June 25, 2011
A Successful Burere Assessment
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
May EWBer of the Month: Brittany Dexter
Especially important was Brittany's work on the EWB newsletter. She revised our design to fit with our national logo and helped give our newsletter the reboot that it needed. You can find our latest newsletter here.
Also, congratulations for Brittany on graduating this year with her degree in Graphic Design from DAAP. Thanks Brittany, we wish you all the best!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
EWB Banquet a Huge Success
We also had several of our partners there, such as Chris Lewis, founder of Village Life Outreach Project and Raj Mehta, the director of UC's Honors Program. Finally, thanks to our faculty mentors and advisors; Dr. Dan Durbin for Burere, Dr. George Suckarieh from Burere, and Dr. Margeret Kupferle who is our dedicated organization advisor. On top of the countless hours they spend advising the group, it was great to have them attend our banquet.

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Last Chance to RSVP for Spring Banquet
Our spring banquet will be held on May 26th in the Presidential Banquet Hall of Lindner Center at UC. The program will begin at 6:30pm and will consist of a catered dinner, speakers such as UC Provost, Dr. Santa Ono and Stundent Body President Alan Hagerty, and presentations by EWB members about project progress.
If you have primary-aged children, there will be a craft program run concurrently with the main banquet so the whole family can attend without worrying about a babysitter.
Whether you're a company or organization that has sponsored us, a professor or professional that has guided us, or a family or friend that has cheered us along the way, we want you to come to our banquet.
An $80 per plate donation is encouraged to cover the expenses of holding this event and help fundraise for our projects. If you're on facebook, you can also RSVP to the facebook event. But remember, the official RSVP is done by emailing
Friday, May 13, 2011
Committee Updates
In the Burere Project Committee, we are looking to meet with Peter next week for our assessment form and getting ready for the summer assessment trip. We are slated to have this project implemented during the winter holiday next year.
The Banquet is swiftly approaching and with only 2 weeks left we are kicking it into high gear to get everything ready in time.
We are stepping it up in our Fundraising Committee as well. We are in the process of applying for a grant that will hopefully cover the cost of our Otho Abwao project. We are also working on business cards and donation boxes.
Monday, May 2, 2011
World Fest
On Thursday some of our EWB members went out to World Fest to spread the word about EWB and get our name out to potential members. Those in attendance enjoyed different foods from around the world, different styles of dancing such as mariachi dancing, and different cultural music. Thanks to everyone who came and supported EWB at World Fest.
April EWBer of the Month
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Committee Chairs!

At our most recent meeting, the announcements were made for the appointed committee chairs for next year. Thanks to everyone who submitted an application and congrats to our new chairs!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Burere Assessment Trip
Friday, April 15, 2011
New Document Control Back Up
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A Weekend with Bill Clinton: CGIU 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A New Tradition: EWBer of the Month!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
New Exec Panel Elected
President: Jim Moyer
Vice President of Internal Affairs: Kevin Knollman
Vice President of External Affairs: Mark Schutte
Treasurer: Sarah Hrinko
Secretary: Morgen Schroeder
We also had a record number of applications for chair positions this year. Our new exec panel is reading over the applications and will be making appointments this Thursday.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
UHA 5K Raising Funds for Burere
Special thanks goes to everyone in the University Honors Association for all the hard work and planning they're putting into this event(special props go to the designer of the uber-cute poster). Details for the event are below, look for more info as the date approaches.
Day: Saturday, May 7th
Registration Time: 9:30am
Race Time: 10am
If you want to mark your digital calendar for this awesome event, click the button bellow:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Otho Abwao Update
Sunday, March 6, 2011
CCOSPE Awards Sponsorship
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Date Auction Fundraiser Raises $1830
Friday, February 18, 2011
Lights Out Fridays Going Strong
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Summer Travelers Selected
This trip will be part of a Village Life Outreach Project brigade. Along with representatives from EWB, UC med students will be traveling to conduct health clinics in VLOP's three communities. Students from the UC Honors Program will also be traveling on the brigade, as a culmination of a humanitarian design class taught by DAAP architect Michael Zaretsky. This multidisciplinary team will surely create an exciting and unique trip experience for all the travelers.
Jim is a 3rd year in Civil/Environmental Engineering originally from Toledo. He's currently EWB's internal vice president and has been since Spring of 2009. Jim has also worked closely on the Burere design since he first joined EWB during his freshman year. Jim's the person who schedules all of our great general meeting speakers, plus he oversees our project committees.
Linea is a freshman in Chemical Engineering who is actually an international student from Sweden. Linea has already gotten involved in both the Nyambogo committee and External Affairs. Through External Affairs, she's managed to forge connections with the co-op office (we're now presenting about EWB in Intro to Co-op classes) and Student Government(SG is currently investigating a bill that would make service-based travel eligible for UC International Grants based on their educational merit).
We're excited to have two great EWBers representing us on our assessment. As it gets closer to June, look for more updates on our trip.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
EWB Hosting Invisible Children Screening
Our screening date is Thursday, April 21st in 525 Old Chem. As the date approaches, we'll be releasing more details and advertising the event to all of UC. As alway, the screening's free so bring all your friends!
If you have Google calendar, you can add the event right now by clicking the button below.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Future Cities First Meeting a Success!

The Engineers Without Borders After School Program, Future Cities, just completed its first meeting - and what a blast! This week there were about twenty 3rd to 8th graders that participated. We really just wanted to get to know the kids, so today we talked about recycling and tried to as learn as many names as possible. As you can see from the picture, we made recyclable name tags. As a group, we still have a lot to learn about working with younger kids, but we are so excited to do it! Stay tuned for more Future Cities news - if you are interested in our program, or would like to help, contact Mark Schutte and
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Nyambogo to be Sponsored by Global Fast

Our Nyambogo water project has been vetted by the Global Fast staff and selected as one of the benificiary projects. Members of the UC community, including the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega & University Honors Association, will be partnering with EWB to run a Global Fast at UC. In the coming weeks, look for events and other publicity aimed to engage all of UC in this fast, all earning money for Nyambogo's new water system.
Click here to visit the Nyambogo project page on
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Screen Print is ready for Future Cities!

Hey everybody!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Otho Abwao Status

Hello All!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Progress in Nyambogo
Greetings! Over the last quarter and break the members of the Nyambogo design project have been hard at work. Last quarter's attendance at our committee meetings was incredible and the extra help has been quite a boost to the project. We're currently fully invested in determining the best solution for the water storage that will be part of our design. Last quarter we evaluated boreholes and water catchments as the two most feasible sources. Water catchment was given second priority due to its limited ability to supply during the dry season. This drawback would require massive storage capacities in order to ensure availability during the dry season. The borehole offers year round water availability, so the amount of water storage required at any one time would be greatly reduced. This quarter's work involves investigation of types of tanks from large ferrocement tanks to smaller prefabricated plastic tanks. Spring quarter will focus on the incorporation of filter technology as well as planning distribution sites throughout the community.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Burere Update
Over the break the Burere project has been looking over documentation from VLOP and researching information about materials, building techniques, and the government in Tanzania. Before break we contacted THP Limited, Inc. to help us with the structural issues with our first design. This quarter we will be continuing to communicate with THP and figure out exactly what we need to do on the assessment trip this summer.